
NOTO aggregates the details of all Web3 domains across multiple blockchains and namespaces.
From ENS to Freename, Unstoppable Domains, or Handshake, NOTO offers a one-stop solution for all your Web3 domain resolution needs.

How Does it Work?

The Web3 domain landscape is complex and fragmented. With NOTO, even application developers and Service Providers with limited blockchain expertise can add Web3 domain resolution to their apps and services, leveraging a standardized Web3 domain resolution service covering the most popular blockchains and namespaces and that can be easily consumed via DNS or API.

Partners can also customize every aspect of their integration and control which Web3 domain implementation they want to support and how, creating default routes and exceptions based on their unique requirements.

NOTO App is currently in BETA

The platform is currently in BETA testingĀ 
if you wish to access the alpha version please contact us and our team will set everything up for you.

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